Check us out on Facebook, where we share deals more often!
“Like” our FB page so you can see all the deals we post! The more you like posts, the more you will see them as we post them. Also, if you like certain posts like grocery or toys, we will be sure to look for similar deals since that shows us there’s interest.
Remember, we are just starting and there are many deals to share – every day, all day long. As deal-seekers, we love to search for and find the best possible deals, clearance and discounts. We created this website and the corresponding Social Media Page, so that we can share these deals with our followers!
Don’t forget, we post some amazing, exclusive coupon codes that are ONLY available through us. Coupons can be up to 80% off and we only share them for items that have reviews and most are top-rated!
Why should you follow us when there are many other “Deals” sites, pages and groups?
Because WE search for the deals ourselves. We don’t share deals from other groups. This means that we will find unique deals that are not shared on other groups, websites or FB pages. We also have EXCLUSIVE codes that you will only get from us. Additionally, why not? Even if you follow other “deals” pages, following us ensures you see our deals too!
Finally, we love deals, discounted items and clearance but at the same time only look for trusted brands or items. Therefore, when we search, we look at the reviews, how many ratings the item has and how reputable it is. This way when we share a deal, you can trust you’re getting something either top-rated or very good.
So what are you waiting for? Get that page opened up and start following the deals we share! You have nothing to loose and a lot of opportunities to gain! Especially with the holidays, birthdays and other events coming up!